This year, the 35th International Symposium on ALS/MND was held in Montreal, Canada. We presented the premodiALS study during the ENCALS Satellite Meeting, where we had the opportunity to showcase our progress and discuss exciting prospects for collaboration.
Discussions focused on expanding our pre-symptomatic cohort and ensuring the continued growth and longevity of the premodiALS project.
Bottom left photo caption (from left to right): Paul Lingor, Markus Weber, Mary-Louise Roger, Vassilios Karnaros and Laura Tzeplaeff.
Post date: December 20, 2024

The premodiALS study was honored to present both an oral presentation and a poster at the JPND Final Symposium 2024. During the event, we shared the latest results and future outlook of the premodiALS project, while also engaging with groundbreaking research initiatives in the field of neurodegenerative diseases.
We were happy to meet there with other premodiALS colleagues, further strengthening collaborative spirit.
Bottom left photo caption (from left to right): Paul Lingor, Laura Tzeplaeff, Nazlı Başak
Post date: November 28, 2024

Our trial center in Tours now received green light for recruitment from the responsible ethics commission and all six premodiALS recruiting centers are now active.
We have already surpassed half of our recruitment goal, with 177/330 participants included.
We will keep up the great work and reach our goal together!
Post date: November 18, 2024

Members of the premodiALS consortium met on the first day of the ENCALS meeting to discuss midterm results and the future direction of the study. Thanks to all the participants who made it to Stockholm and those who contributed online!
During the ENCALS meeting, the recruitment team from Antalya, Turkey, presented a poster on “Two Monozygotic Twins Discordant for ALS Disease,” identified in the premodiALS cohort.
From left to right: Abir Alaamel, Monika Turcanova, Nazlı Başak, Paul Lingor, Hilmi Uysal, Philippe Corcia and Laura Tzeplaeff. Online: Mary-Louise Rogers (top), Nicholas Ashton, Norbert Zilka and Andrej Kovac (middle), Charlotte Vogt (bottom).
Post date: July 17, 2024

Members of the Kuban lab teamed up with the Lenz lab to optimize the proteomics pipeline to analyze premodiALS samples. We congratulate both labs for this intensive collaboration!
From left to right: Christof Lenz, Lisa Neuenroth, Jeanes Strebe, Przemyslaw Mielczarek, Wojciech Kuban.
Post date: April 22, 2024

At the beginning of 2024, we welcomed two Turkish partners, Sine Dincer and Ali Günal Celik, to our premodiALS center at the TUM UMC in Munich. This joint experience has been of great benefit to the project. Sine and Ali curated database entries, created a detailed data dictionary for the subsequent evaluation of the clinical data, and processed biosamples. Thank you for this excellent contribution to the project!
We look forward to further strengthening the interaction with our partners in the premodiALS consortium.
Post date: March 1, 2024

This year, the motoneuron disease community met again in person for the 34th international MNDA meeting in Basel. A great occasion to reconnect with premodiALS partners and present our project to a broader community. We look forward to collaborating with other initiatives on presymptomatic gene mutation carriers.
Post date: December 8, 2023

The group of Mary-Louise Rogers published an excellent review on urinary biomarkers for ALS, mentioning support by premodiALS. Please access the full article (open access) here:
Post date: October 28, 2023

We were happy to present the premodiALS project to French and German ALS experts in October at two different events. On October 11-12, we discussed a poster on premodiALS during the 9th ALS and MND Research Days in Paris, France. On October 12 and 13, we presented at the ALS MND Science Days of the German Motor Neuron Disease Network (MND-NET) in Frankfurt, Germany. Informing researchers about premodiALS is an important task to identify future collaboration possibilities and to help us achieve our goal of recruiting all study participants.itilibies and to help us archive our goal of recruiting all study participants.
Post date: October 25, 2023

We are happy to announce that the premodiALS consortium agreement has been signed and sent to all collaborators. Furthermore, recruitment centers from Switzerland and Slovakia also received ethical approval. They will soon be ready to recruit their first patients.
Post date: July 4, 2023

Professor Norbert Zilka and Dr. Monika Koprusakova Turcanova talked to the Slovakian national TV about the premodiALS project. They discussed the early symptoms of the disease. They asked gene mutation carriers, patients, and volunteers to participate in this vital project.
To see the full video, click here:
Post date: June 26, 2023

The first patient has been included in the premodiALS study in Turkyie. We congratulate the entire trial team in the center in Antalya!
From left to right: Hüseyin Can Kaya, Hatice Değirmenci, Abir Alaamel, Ali Çelik, Hilmi Uysal, Uğur Bilge, Sibel Berker Karaüzüm, Meltem Korucuk.

The premodiALS project was discussed with the ALS interest group at an online meeting in March 2023 to raise awareness for participation in this project. The German Society for Muscle Disorders (DGM) featured premodiALS on their website. We thank the DGM for this generous support of premodiALS!
Post date: March 29, 2023

After the local ethics commission was approved, the first patient entered the premodiALS trial. We are excited to have started recruitment at the Munich site now. We thank all patients and relatives interested in participating. They make an important contribution to understanding early ALS and better diagnosing this disease.
Post date: March 14, 2023

We congratulate our team member, Professor Mary-Louise Rogers, on the award of a FIGHT MND grant. This will permit Professor Rogers to fund her research for the premodiALS project. She says: “This is an exciting opportunity to work collaboratively with MND researchers in Europe and Australia to, for the first time, identify an ‘early signature or fingerprint’ of MND.” – Associate Professor Mary-Louise Rogers
Post date: November 25, 2022

This flyer briefly describes the premodiALS study to people willing to participate.
You can request a printed version of the flyer by writing an email to
Post date: November 22, 2022

We are happy to announce that today, the premodiALS project was approved by the lead Ethics Commission of the Technical University of Munich. We are now ready to start recruitment.
Post date: November 22, 2022

The premodiALS project kick-off meeting occurred in Munich on July 1, 2022. Partners were discussing the tasks and milestones of this challenging project. Harmonization of recruitment, analytical methods, and data integration were discussed in detail.
We are looking forward to the official project start on September 1.
Post date: May 16, 2022

Within the scope of the newly funded JPND consortium “premodiALS,” we offer a Postdoctoral position (TV-L E13) to work on the identification of a disease signature for presymptomatic and early Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), starting at the earliest convenience.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative motoneuron disorder with a poor prognosis and insufficient therapeutic options. Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and occurs relatively late. Body fluid-based biomarkers facilitating an earlier diagnosis are urgently needed.
In the scope of the international premodiALS consortium (, we will collect clinical data and biomaterials from presymptomatic gene mutation carriers at risk of developing ALS as well as early ALS patients and respective control subjects. Biomaterials will be analyzed with multi-omic approaches, and results will be integrated with clinical and paraclinical data to generate a clinical-molecular fingerprint of presymptomatic and early ALS.
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc (m/f/d) who will work in our lab in Munich with a keen interest in translational neuroscience research and an excellent background in cellular and molecular neurobiology. Previous experience in neurodegenerative disorders research, and ALS in particular is a great advantage. Enthusiasm for research and an extraordinary motivation to work in a multidisciplinary environment as part of an international consortium is essential. The position holder will be expected to participate in the coordination of the consortium, prepare human biomaterial samples for multi-omic techniques, and perform biomarker analyses and bioinformatic data integration. Taking a leading position in the lab, the candidate will also be expected to contribute to the supervision of thesis students and technical assistants.
Post date: May 16, 2022

The kick-off meeting of the premodiALS consortium will take place June 30/July 1, 2022, in Munich, Germany. We are looking forward to welcoming all partners to this exciting meeting.
Post date: May 3, 2022