There are many ways to contribute or participate in premodiALS. Find out how!
The premodiALS project looks for ALS patients interested in contributing to the study and participating in two study visits. These visits will take place at an interval of 1 year. At each visit, the study team will ask you to fill out some questionnaires, perform a neurological examination, and ask you to donate biofluids for the biomarker analysis.
Please get in touch with the coordinating investigator, who will forward your request to one of the clinical centers:
Suppose presymptomatic genetic testing has revealed that you carry a mutation that predisposes you to develop ALS. In that case, you may be eligible to participate as a presymptomatic gene mutation carrier in our study. Gene mutation carriers who are eligible can participate in two study visits. These visits will take place at an interval of 1 year. At each visit, the study team will ask you to fill out some questionnaires, perform a neurological examination, and ask you to donate biofluids for the biomarker analysis.
Please contact the coordinating investigator, who will forward your request to one of the clinical centers:
Suppose you are a relative of someone who is a presymptomatic gene mutation carrier or an ALS patient. In that case, you may be eligible to participate as a control subject in our study. Control subjects who are eligible can participate in two study visits. These visits will take place at an interval of 1 year. At each visit, the study team will ask you to fill out some questionnaires, perform a neurological examination, and ask you to donate biofluids for the biomarker analysis.
Don’t hesitate to contact the coordinating investigator, who will forward your request to one of the clinical centers:
The premodiALS project is open to scientific collaborations and acknowledges that research in rare diseases strongly benefits from joint efforts. If you want to collaborate with our consortium, do not hesitate to contact the coordinator or the principal investigators directly. We will be glad to explore mutual interests to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ALS.
Information flyer for study participants
You can request a printed version of the flyer by writing an email to:

Whereas the main analyses of the premodiALS project are funded, many additional research projects that deepen our understanding of presymptomatic biomarkers need further financing.
You can help us with your donation to further accelerate research for ALS biomarkers by donating to the following account.
Recipient: Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München
IBAN: DE82 7005 0000 0202 72
Subject: ZGSpende premodiALS 8810003920
Your donation is tax deductible.